

First things which blows to my eyes in Pushkar are the narrow streets and that cows share the same living space as people, very bulky pet.

It's Diwali, the festival of lights. People put deyas all around their house to symbolize the victory of good over evil in each individual of the family. I participated by playing poi on the roof top of my hotel where I met a lot of other interesting travelers.

This was in front of most houses... I don't want to write what this is made of. Quiz: it is made by a cow and modeled by kids.

The big and beautiful Sikh temple on the left and the smaller Hindu temple in Pushkar. I total there are 518 temples for 17000 inhabitants.

View over the blue houses and temples around the holy lake of Pushkar. Did a great motorcycle tour on an Enfield around Pushkar over two days, but forgot my camera...

I stayed in a guesthouse close to where the smoke comes out...

Sunset over Pushkar.

People learning to play drums in front of the lake. Was kind of annoying and did not really fit to the atmosphere of this amazing place.

That's Pappu, my friend of the Bopa caste which are Gypsy people who play Rawanatha and sing traditional Rajasthani songs. But as modern industry made the tape and CD decks popular, this group of people cannot live from their destined talents anymore.

I helped his family to have a descent tent made out of an old Coke advertisement canvas.

His two cute daughters with the most crazy hairstyle. Hair as dry as the desert surrounding their home.


Ellora/Ajanta caves

First monkey I see in the wild! They look so smart and relaxed.

Moghul watchtower in Fort Daulatabad from the 14th century.

India is a very dusty land... That's the clearest sunset I've seen by now.

My favorite Rickshaw! I want one cabriolet like this to cruise along the Maximilianstr

This is the first of 34 temple caves which which symbolizes Indian rock-cut architecture build between the 5th and 10th century.

That's me on the 3rd floor balcony of a Buddhist temple.

Nadia, Milos and Sam in front heading to the next cave.

Shiva (the god of destruction and rejuvenation, transformation... and smoke) and his wife the mother goddess Parvati (both are the parents of the most worshipped god Ganesha, the god of science, arts, intellect and wisdom) seated on the sacred mount Kailash, while the arrogant and superpowerful god Ravana tries to lift it... understood?!?!?! That's how you get introduced to Hinduism... Very confusing, but wunderfully passionate.

This is the most stunning temple in Ellora, the Hindu Kailash temple.

All those temples were cut from one single rock!

Funny Indian sign. There are errors on nearly each sign here, but you get used to it and it is often a game to understand what they should mean.

The site of the Buddhist Ajanta caves from the 2nd century.

A big Buddha at the back end of a temple. Walk around the statue three times and it will bring you luck.

A cute little chipmunk having rice.

Me in the teaching position in front of a Buddha. Om...

A Buddhist Cathedral with a Stupa and a Buddha in the center.

The lying Buddha at the Ajanta caves

More monkeys!!! I'll bring them bananas next time.

Looks like a paradise for a swim... I didn't want to put my feet in there, rubbish and strange smells where abundant all around those waters. Actually in any Indian waters which is close to humans, so basically everywhere.

Best taxi ride ever in the Ambassador (old official governmental car). On my way to Rajasthan where I will leave Milos, Sam and Nadia. A 48hrs trip by car, train and several buses.